Reaching the Ascended Frontier Now that we are approaching the Summer Solstice, we are approaching the ascended state of life and living that is in its final preparations of being the new way of life for those who are serving the planetary/universal ascended life of creation and civilization. This new way of ascended life and living is to continue developing into the planetary-wide ascension of all life and living to fulfill the planetary destiny . This is the New Earth and New EarthStarNation Ascended Planetary/Universal Creation and Civilization of this Creator Avatar Race planetary nucleus for the ascension of the entire greater universe and its inhabitants. And this is including the ascended spacelife and its ascended spacelife creation and civilization which is now being created by the EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization.
Message from the Galactic Council: It is our awareness that this is indeed a special planet for the entire life of this and other galaxies which will be evident within the next few years. And it is our privilege and responsibility to ensure that this ascension is satisfactorily achieved within the next several months.