Arcturus and the Human Race on Earth
Arcturus is a spiritual star created by the Brotherhoods of Light. It has been visible from Earth for about two million years and will be visible for about another two million years before its irregular trajectory takes it out of sight from Earth.
It is the most important spiritual star in this area of the galaxy, and is responsible for the development of the consciousness of the human race on Earth.
The human race on Earth is a model for the entire greater universe and its many human races which are in various stages of evolution and consciousness.
Arcturus maintains and continuously upgrades the archetype of the human race on Earth, and is responsible for its implementation by its overseeing and its guidance of the human race.
The Arcturians are guiding the contacts of the channels who are serving the New Ascended Earth, and are facilitating the development of higher consciousness interaction with those who are valuable to the evolution of humans on Earth.
It is likely that various non-Earth beings will be physically interacting with some of their counterparts who are incarnated on Earth this year, and it is probable that these interactions will be the catalyst for increasing contact between many more humans and ETs as time goes on.
This course of interactions is expected to begin the ongoing process of humans on Earth increasingly interacting with various other humans and non-humans who are committed to assisting the humans of Earth to evolve as universal citizens who are serving the planetary/universal destiny of Earth.
The New Earth and New EarthStarNation are the destined planetary/universal creation and civilization organism that is providing the ascended life and ascended spacelife archetype for the entire greater universe to ascend. And it is of the greatest importance that this new ascension of all life and living be accomplished now.
The many new souls who are here to contribute to the planetary/universal ascension are the ones who are already prepared to participate in this New Earth and New EarthStarNation ascension process, and are prepared to engage as New Earth and New EarthStarNation ascended masters of creation and civilization when the New Planetary/Universal Ascended Life Creation and Civilization begins.
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