The EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Organism
The EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Organism is now preparing to advance the creation of the New Ascended EarthStarNation SpaceLife Civilization to include many more StarSeeds as Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization.
It is expected that the EarthStarNation will be ready to serve to rapidly expand its planetary/universal ascended spacelife organism and its functions as the summer continues. And it is likely that there will be public events and awareness that will empower the public development of a planetary/universal spacelife policy regarding the interactions of ETs and humans.
This will be best served with the involvement of the EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization.
The Creator Avatar SpaceRace is preparing for these developments and is also enabling the activation of ESN members to join in ESN service. This service is empowered by the ESN Ascended Planetary/Universal SpaceLife Organism, and is the destined and empowered expression of the Creator Avatar SpaceRace EarthStar Planetary/Universal nucleus of the Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization.
EarthStarNation is the new ascended planetary stellar community organism which is now beginning to function and to empower the EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation in the ESN unity of the ESN’s unique planet-star identity according to planetary destiny.
The ESN Ascended SpaceLife Forces are beginning to envelop areas of the planet which are the original ESN living creation centers to foster the ESN ascension of planetary destiny and its members.
The ESN is the planetary/universal source and expression of the EarthStar Ascended PlanetStar which is becoming the universal nucleus of the all new original Avatar Living Creation and Civilization.
The EarthStarNation is becoming the integral planetary/universal organism of the New Earth planetary destiny. And its members are beginning to create as ESN Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.