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We have been exploring the different possible timelines that humanity has in front of you for the near future, and we have been noticing that there is a trend. The trend is that on most of the timelines that are highly probable for you, there will be a major event involving extra-terrestrials. That event will be caught on camera, and of course, that will lead to speculation that it is made up. There will be many skeptics calling it a hoax. But for those of you who understand how much e.t. presence there is there on Earth and in your skies, you will be fascinated. You will have a renewed sense of hope, and you will be excited about how the event is boding very well for humanity’s future in the coming years.
We will not say exactly what this event will be, but we will say that it’s more than just a sighting of ships. These e.t.s will be helping humans in some way, and you can use your imaginations as to what that could be. There are several scenarios on the different timelines, each with different implications. Suffice it to say these will be very friendly and well-intentioned beings whose acts of kindness will be caught on camera to prepare humanity for friendly contact. There is a segment of the population that needs to know about the benevolent extra-terrestrials and the types of good deeds they do on a regular basis.
Those good deeds often go overlooked because so many are focused on the negative acts perpetrated by the not-so-good e.t.s out there in your skies and in the galaxy. We know that there are many individuals among you who will want to be the one to capture the footage, but we promise you seeing it will be satisfying enough. And you will feel the ripple effect through the collective consciousness of humanity. You will see and feel the effects, but most importantly, you will be affected yourselves in a profound way. You will feel validated, and you will know that there is more of this positive e.t. expression to come for all of humanity.
We are very excited to witness the impact, assuming it does in fact happen. And as we have said, the probability is very high that you will find yourselves on one of these timelines. These are exciting times for humanity, and there are lots of other beings who want so much to participate in the excitement with you.


  1. David Wilcock SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (Pete Peterson's Final Interview)

    Premiered Dec 14, 2019

    The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology. The Air Force announced on December 6th that "Secret Space Programs" will be declassified in 2020.

    This new intel precisely fits with the inside information from Pete Peterson, in a call from June 6th, 2019. Peterson was arguably the top specialist for black-ops technology in the military-industrial complex for many years.

    According to this "deathbed confessional" from Pete, he would be allowed to tell the world anything he wanted about his experiences "on the inside" within six to eight months from the time of the interview.

    Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations . . . .

  2. Good to see you're still active on this blog.

    Keep up the great work Adi! Awesome to meet you at Mt. Shasta years ago.

    Steven Swisley


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