Furthering the Planetary/Universal SpaceLife Interactions
ETs have been involved with the military since the 1940s Selected by Extraterrestrials, and with the corporate conglomerate for decades (search: Emery Smith).
Civilian encounters are rare and usually at historical ET centers like Sedona or Mount Shasta, as we cannot maintain secure and private facilities, and it has not been possible to be very influential with direct encounters.
Since the Galactic Solstice, it is becoming increasingly possible and likely that some civilian ET interactions can and will take place to advance the development of our planetary/universal civilization and its many components.
These ETs need to be sufficiently developed to be able to interact with civilians who are only minimally prepared to interact with ETs.
A good beginning of preparation is the book The Galactic Earth Council by Celestine Star. It is encoded to open the reader's consciousness to the spiritual galactic level, and this is very important for maintaining a healthy and a broad perspective regarding ETs and Earth's past and present evolution.
Another important preparation is the development of one's EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Body and its planetary/universal ascended spacelife creation powers. This is best done by serving the Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization.
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